Somewhere along the line my life began to resemble a salad... bright, colourful and full of good things, yet missing the final touch of dressing. The result? it doesn't taste as good as it could be. What that dressing is I'm not sure but all I know is that I'm not fully satisfied with the taste without it.
I, like many others have a sense that there is a better, more meaningful way to live my life, but can't seem to find it by myself. I love my life, at least I think... I have a good job, awesome friends, get paid for my hobby and only a year left of my journo degree...but still this nagging sense that "there must be something more" returns.
And so in search of the light I have decided it is time for a life to-do list in order to prove to myself that I am actually achieving something I have set out for!
Watch the sun set and rise -
I have never taken time to appreciate these sights which occur every day! I once watched the sunset from castlehill, a reflective time that drew the close of a day never to be repeated. I was not alone so I guess you could say it spoiled the moment, but yet it was still beautiful. I have not seen a sunrise (at least not taken notice) to hear the birds singing, feel the crisp morning air, and appreciate the fact that I have another day to spend as I wish on this beautiful place we call earth.
Castle Hill Townsville 2010... a picture taken by myself
Get Naked!! -
Now calm down I'm not about to ditch the clothes and head to work....suprise boss haha. But could you imagine hahaha. We forget sometimes ITS OK TO BE NAKED! You're not about to see other animals parading around in jeans and a T-shirt, and we're only animals too, right? (reference to song: you and me baby ain't nothing but mammals). So I'm thinking the usual... nudist beach? (maybe if I'm the only one on it) A time to throw aside my shame and bare all to nature!
Scuba and sky dive -
In case nobody noticed we were never meant to fly... or breathe underwater. My apologies to those who have wings or gills, I didn't mean to offend. So chasing an adrenalin rush I want to jump out of a plane... yes you heard me, I am excited by the idea of potentially falling to my death :-S. As for scuba diving learning to fight against natural instincts by breathing with your face under water seems a rather big challenge.
Visit Europe -
I think that maybe this was a point in my life where i felt failure... Having already saved for a trip and planned it all... only to crash my car and clean out my savings! But it will not be taken off the agenda, sweet 19 and ready to live the dream I am saving again starting TODAY!
Say the words 'I Love you' -
Now my friends would know I say it all the time... especially after a few beverages. But as far as relationships are concerned I struggle with the term. Some people just throw it around without ever really understanding the meaning behind it. I have never been able to say those three little words, maybe because I just haven't found the right person to say it to, who knows. Believe me I'm in no rush but when the day does come it will mean all the more.
Have a favourite Joke -
I don't know about your family but I know the old fogies always have a joke they love to tell everyone and no matter how many times they tell it...they still crack up! So my mission is to find that joke that makes me laugh each and every time I tell it :-)
Go watch an NBA game!
I love love love the basketball yet at some level little old Aussie league just doesn't cut it for me! So I need to choose where I'm going to go and what Team I'm going to support and experience the REAL basketball scenery!
And so that is the beginning of my lifes to-do list... I will write the rest another time!
Until next time catchya on the flip side ;-)
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