Sunday, January 23, 2011

chronicles of the hangover

A hangover is never fun, I had a not so friendly reminder of the feeling today...that feeling of why did I have that last round of shots or that last drink or the ever so hangover promising of mixing alcohols.  "Heck why not mix vodka and rumba?" "I feel sick but if I'm not paying for the drink I can't say no!" "Water is for weaklings."

Didn't feel so wise today did I!

No-one sets out on a night with friends to be sick the next day. It happens sometimes and the times that it hits so bad that you go from couch to bed, to bathroom and back to bed frequently in one day brings on that self promise of “I will never do this again” which we all know is a lie but it somehow makes us feel better that moment.

I on the other hand slept til after lunch, attempted some food, moaned on the couch in self pity, made no sudden movements for fear of a projectile vomit, tried curing the hangover with a swim and salt and vinegar chips....failed miserably, threw up in the garden and crawled back to bed! bringing us to dinner time...What a way to spend your Sunday right? When the texts rolled in suggesting 'Sunday sesh'  the thought alone of alcohol made me nauseated. NO THANKYOU

We know at some point we will do it all over again, not intentionally, but it will happen as we are living the moment and enjoying the ride.I sure as hell know the last thing on my mind when I'm ordering that last drink will be coming out tomorrow the same way it went in!

I know for a fact I have one more day of recovery before Cheap Tuesday slash Australia day celebrations begining casual beverages around about lunch-o-clock.

So dear friends, if you plan on killing your liver you might aswell do it with company, come and join us at the palace :-)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The beauties and the Uglies of the horrid stick-on Bra!

Such a clever invention, something every girl has tucked away in her underwear stash...
At some point we come to face the question, bra or no bra?

For some a stick on bra is a means of keeping them perky... no body likes to hang a little south!
For others not so blessed with "breasts" stick on bras are a mean of 'faking it til you make it.'
There has been other little goodies for dresses or tops intended for no bra, hollywood tape and of course the nipple shapers. I personally find the idea of nude stickers on your nipples rather strange, I mean imagine getting your kit off right before you get down and dirty, forget the old one handed bra unclipping trick, just rip them bad boys off and your set to go... hahaha.

I for the first time in months required the help of my trusty stick on's today, and for the first time in months I remembered why I had been avoiding them. The moment I get hot or sweaty I become extremely paranoid that at any minute they will slip right off in which case there can be a few scenarios, they fall down my chest and I end up with the four boob look.. I lose one side and i have 3 boobs... or they fall out completely and I'm left explaining why a clear pair of chicken fillets fell out of my dress and onto the floor to my work mates or a customer. Issue number 2.. They are a B*&^% to pull off, at one point I actually had to check my nipples were still attatched to my body!

Despite my annoyance I know I will turn to them again some day soon, beauty is pain after all!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Expect the Unexpected

If you expect the unexpected then you will never be suprised...

We have it in our heads that in order to find something, we must look for it. Of course if your in a rush for work and you can't find your car keys your not exactly going to wait for them to just 'show up'...But obviously thats not what I'm referring to, I'm talking in the sense of opportunity.

Opportunities come and go, only we can decide alone when to take them, the first challenge is recognition. Once we have recognized it, their comes a choice. We often let great opportunities slip through our fingers because we are not ready for them, or simply out of fear of change. Taking a chance may alter your life's path and not knowing where you'll end up, for some, is a rather daunting thought. 

I believe I have reached a crossroad in my life. An opportunity has presented itself, I could have very well ignored it because it came up when I wasn't looking for it. Good or bad I am still yet to decide. In order to find that out however, I'm going to have to take a risk... which brings me back to my first statement, when you don't know what to expect, expect the unexpected. 

I'm optimistic about change, change is a little something I have not yet grown tired of, in fact I'm quite excited by it. Am I ready for it? I would like to think so. What will be the outcome? No one knows, only way to find out is walk the new path set out for me.